Lakeshore Lutheran Fellowship
16790 Van Wagoner Rd, Spring Lake, MI 49456

Town Hall ELECTIONS- May 19th

Please plan to join us for the GMB Elections on Sunday, May 19th following service. Any questions, please email our church office at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Below are short write-ups introducing you to our candidates for 2024/2025

Art Schroeder 

Art was born, baptized and raised in the LCMS. He started worshiping at Lakeshore Lutheran in May of 2018. He has served various volunteer roles in his church background, such as Chairman and Vice-Chair of congregation, Board of Education Chair, Board of Stewardship Chair, Co-Chair Building Champaign, Small Group Leader, Men’s Bible Class leader, VBS leader, Sunday School leader, and Teen Bible Class leader. Art graduated from Concordia University, Chicago and received a BA in Education and became a DCE. He served in that role for 23 years. He also attended Concordia Theological Seminary in Fort Wayne, Indiana where he received a MA in Religious Studies. He then served as a Financial Consultant with Thrivent Financial for 24 years. He retired in September 2020. He currently serves as our Chairperson of GMB and would be honored to serve another 3-year term. Thanks for the opportunity to serve.

George Huff

George has been a lifelong Lutheran and a member of Lakeshore Lutheran Fellowship since April 2012. He is married to Donna Huff. They have 2 daughters and 5 grandchildren. George has held various positions over his Lutheran lifetime such as Assistant Executive Director & Stewardship Chair at St. John's Lutheran in Grand Haven; as well as Elder & Building Committee Chair at First Lutheran in Charlotte, MI. At Lakeshore Lutheran Fellowship he served as GMB board member and Chairman in 2015/2016 and the position of GMB Vice Chairperson in 2022/2023. George also serves on our Fellowship Team and Hospitality Team. If re-elected to the GMB board for a second 3-year term, he will represent you and serve the Lord to the best of his ability. 

Bill Long

Bill has been a Lutheran Missouri Senate Church member throughout most of his life. After 5-years in the USAF, he attended a California University and received a BS in Mechanical Engineering. He had a career in Project Management, where he organized and directed teams of people to develop major capital programs, ranging from several 100-million and up to 5-billion dollars, in the petroleum and petrochemical industry, both domestic and foreign. In 1996-2004 became involved in California prison evangelism. Upon retiring in March 2004, he started participating in a weekly prison ministry at the Muskegon Correctional Facilities, and routinely does weekend prison evangelism at prisons in Ohio, Indiana, and Illinois. Became an officer and past Chaplain for the Muskegon Chapter of United States Power Squadron, and since 2017 is currently serving as the Chaplain for the Muskegon Christian Motorcyclists Association, where he provides the monthly meeting Devotion, conducts hospital visits, prayer needs, home visits, and hospice attendance. He has attended LLFC since 2009, participates in a church community group, serves on a hospitality team and currently serves on the GMB for the past 3-years. He is looking forward to continuing to serve and assisting the GMB team at LLFC.

James Peterman

James Peterman was baptized and served as a member of Emmanuel Lutheran church in Muskegon, MI. In 2006, James started serving on the praise team at Lakeshore Lutheran Fellowship and became a member on May 6th, 2007. After attending youth group from 2007-2011, James served as a youth leader from 2012-2013. This included working with the youth to form a better understanding of Jesus and his love for us, helping to build a worship team of students, and helping to mold them into young followers of Christ. James finished his education in 2017 at Grand Valley State University with a major in Business Economics and a minor in Environmental Sciences. He currently provides environmental sampling and services to businesses and homes then reports to the State of Michigan. James believes he would be a great fit to serve on the GMB for his ambitions to see the church grow among all age groups, and to serve as needed within the church. Thank you for this opportunity and consideration in choosing him to help serve on the GMB.

GMB currently has three open 3-year positions and one open 2-year positions to fill.

(Additional nominees may be accepted during the meeting on Sunday.)

If you have any questions about the GMB, please click HERE or contact Art Schroeder at 260-409-2771

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